Executors are not Superheros. It’s okay to ask for help.


Executors are not Superheros. It’s okay to ask for help.

Many executors manage the estate on an entirely unpaid (voluntary) basis. They deserve a medal.  However, the time-consuming and sometimes difficult work of managing and estate can take its toll – we see many an exhausted executor.

There is a better way!  Being an executor doesn’t mean you (personally) have to do everything.  A good manager knows when and what to delegate and keeps a watchful eye on delegated tasks. Even in a straightforward estate, you may choose to engage professionals and other service providers to help and save you time.

Your funeral director is probably the first to be engaged.

Lawyers can assist you with an application for Probate, real estate conveyancing, advice and support in carrying out your duties and many other tasks.  For further guidance, read:

Accountants can assist with specialist tax advice and complex tax returns.

A real estate agent will be of assistance in selling a home.

Contracted cleaners, gardeners and maintenance services can also offer valuable assistance.

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