We will give you advice you require in relation to your loan and security documents.
Some financial institutions require borrowers or guarantors to obtain independent legal advice as a condition of their loans. These are commonly required where:
- parents are guaranteeing their child’s home loan;
- a person is guaranteeing a loan for the purchase of a property through their Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF);
- a person is guaranteeing a loan to a family trust;
- a borrower is contributing less than 20% of the property value; or
- a person is guaranteeing the debt of their spouse or other family member.
our services
How we can help you
Certificates of Independent Advice
$990 inc GST
We will:
- review the documents the lender has sent to you (you must give us all of these documents, including the brochures, at least 2 business days before the conference);
- meet with you in person at our office and advise you in relation to the documents; and
- provided everything is in order, sign the certificate.
In most cases, we are only able to advise one borrower or one guarantor in relation to a transaction.
Please note:
- This service is not available by telephone or video conference.
- This service is not available for advice on complex commercial loans, for people who require an interpreter, or for transactions which involve borrowings over $2 million.
- Our fixed fee for this service is for one borrower or guarantor for a straightforward loan or guarantee. Additional charges will apply for more complex documents or transactions or if we are acting for multiple parties (where we consider it appropriate to do so). Upon receiving the documents, we will confirm that our fixed fee applies, or inform you of any additional charges.
- If you require an urgent appointment (and if we can accommodate it), a surcharge may apply.
Why choose us
Benefit from our experience
We’re a law firm with more than 35 years’ experience in litigation and dispute resolution. From straightforward debt collection to Supreme Court trials, these are core services of our firm.
Excellent value for money
We price our services fairly and transparently. We advertise fixed prices for standard services. Otherwise, we will analyse your requirements before issuing a written quote.
100s of happy clients
Our goal is to anticipate your needs and exceed your expectations. We offer friendly and efficient service. Read what our clients say.